Director of the host institute is the administrative head of the KVK, but at the centre level Programme Coordinator plans and executes the programmes of the KVK. Each KVK has a team of six subject matter specialist (SMS) to provide technological support in planning and execution. Agronomy, soil science, horticulture, plant protection, animal science and agricultural engineering are the core areas which are manned by the SMS. Home science is found to be another area of importance and activities of this discipline is taken care by a programme assistance. Farm manager is responsible to manage the KVK farm and demonstration units, where the latest technologies are demonstrated. Information technology has a great deal in today’s world so KVK has a computer programmer. He is responsible to provide soft skill support to people of other discipline. Office superintendent cum accountant and steno cum clerk is the administrative staff to assist in maintaining the records for smooth conduction of the activities. Two drivers have been provided in the KVK to drive the jeep/tractor and two supporting staff has been provided to maintain cleanliness and to provide physical support at the time of demonstration of technologies at farmer’s field by SMSs.